1. Leave bandage on for 4-12 hours

  2. Wash your hands before removing your bandage and EVERY time before you touch or wash your tattoo. Remember, most infections are caused by dirty hands.

  3. After removing the bandage, wash your tattoo with non-scented bar soap, warm water & your finger tips. Be sure to remove any blood, ink or petroleum jelly from the surface. Rinse & gently blot or pat dry with a CLEAN towel or air dry.

  4. DO NOT bandage again or apply any sort of ointment or petroleum jelly.

  5. Continue to wash tattoo 3-5 times a day for the first few days. Keep your tattoo clean & dry.

  6. Weeping will occur the first 24 hours. Be sure to continue washing this off to avoid scabbing.

  7. After a few days your tattoo will start to become dry and flaky. When this occurs you should reduce the washing to about twice a day.

  8. DO NOT pick or scratch at your tattoo.

  9. DO NOT soak your tattoo or otherwise submerge it under water.

  10. DO NOT expose your tattoo directly to sunlight.

  11. After your tattoo has finished shedding any scabbing that may have developed, you may begin applying a small amount of fragrance free lotion when needed. Using too much lotion will not help the tattoo.

  12. If you have any questions before, during or after the healing process please contact your artist.